Agenda review: El Dorado Supervisors, TTD, South Tahoe PUD
El Dorado County Supervisors
The El Dorado County Supervisors will be meeting on Tuesday, Feb 4 at 9 a.m.
The meeting can be viewed in person at 330 Fair Lane, Building A Placerville or remotely via or
10. Department of Transportation recommending the Board takes the following actions pertaining to the Pioneer Trail / U.S. Highway 50 Intersection Safety Improvement Project, Capital Improvement Program project number 36104026, Contract 7614:
1) Award the Construction Contract to Martin Brothers Construction, who was the lowest responsive, responsible bidder;
2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Construction Contract, subject to review and approval by County Counsel and Risk Management; and
3) Authorize the Director of Transportation to sign an Escrow Agreement, if requested by the Contractor and in accordance with Public Contract Code Section 22300, for the purpose of holding Contract retention funds.
Time specific – 9 a.m.
15. Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board receive and file presentations from Probation, Auditor-Controller, Assessor, Recorder-Clerk, Treasurer-Tax Collector, Surveyor, Agriculture, Environmental Management, Planning and Building, and Transportation, outlining each department’s mission, structure, services, budget, role in the strategic plan, and upcoming policy issues.
See the full agenda here.
Tahoe Transportation District
The Tahoe Transportation District will be holding a special meeting Wednesday, Feb. 5 at 1 p.m. The meeting can be attended in person at 128 Market St., Stateline, Nev. or remotely
A. For Possible Action: Discussion and Appointment of Ex-Officio Member and Alternate Member to the South Shore Joint Powers Authority Board of Directors
B. Informational Only: Standing Report on TTD’s Transit Program Ridership Numbers
C. Informational Only: Standing Report on Legislation Pertaining to Transit and Transportation Programming Within the Lake Tahoe Basin
D. For Possible Action: Conduct the Second Facilitated Strategic Planning Session TIME CERTAIN: 2:15 p.m.
See the full agenda here.
South Tahoe Public Utility District
The South Tahoe Public Utility District is meeting Thursday, Feb. 6 at 2 p.m. at 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe.
a. Harvey Place Reservoir Aeration Line Replacement (Mark Seelos, Water Resources Manager) Authorize staff to advertise for construction bids for the Harvey Place Reservoir Aeration Line Replacement Project.
b. Washoan Pressure Reducing Valve Station (Laura Hendrickson, Associate Engineer) Authorize staff to advertise for construction bids for the Washoan Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV) Station.
See the full agenda here.

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