CHP offers free teen driver safety course

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. — Newly licensed drivers are invited to join California Highway Patrol’s Start Smart class beginning May 17 at the California Conservation Corps in South Lake Tahoe. 

The free two-hour class offered by CHP is in response to recent statistics showing teenage drivers dying and injured “at an alarming rate,” to preemptively reduce incidents, according to a statement released by CHP. 

“Through candid conversations, officers in attendance will address these facts and provide examples of driving tendencies that put young drivers at risk,” the statement continued.

The goal is to teach teens that “driving is serious and a poor choice behind the wheel of a car can put lives in jeopardy”.

Limited seats are available on a first come first serve basis.

For more information, contact CHP Officer Ruth Loehr at 530-577-1001.

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