City Council to discuss creation of parking authority, pipe replacement

Staff Report

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. — The city of South Lake Tahoe will discuss the need for a parking authority during their Tuesday, March 1 meeting.

The main purpose of the parking authority would be to allow for the continued existence of the South Tahoe Joint Powers Financing Authority which was created to “assist public agencies, such as the city and its related entities, in the financing and refinancing of public capital improvements,” the staff report stated.

“In the past, the South Tahoe Joint Powers Financing Authority has assisted the City in the issuance of 2016 Lease Revenue Refunding Bonds, as well as 2012 Certificates of Participation, the proceeds of which were used to finance streets and other capital improvements within the city. It is expected that in the future, the assistance of the South Tahoe Joint Powers Financing Authority will again be needed to assist the City in securing financing for the construction of new projects, including the new recreation center,” the staff report continued.

The South Tahoe Redevelopment Successor Agency is the only other agency, besides the city, which is part of the financing authority and the Successor Agency will soon be dissolved.

There needs to be at least two groups in the financing authority, hence the creation of the parking authority.

In addition to filling that role, the parking authority will also be authorized to own, maintain, acquire, and finance public parking facilities.

During the meeting, the council will also hear results and recommendations for the underground storm drain pipe assessment.

According to the assessment, the city has 91 high-risk pipes and is facing a total of $2.64 million for pipe replacement over the next five years.

“There are 46 pipe segments that are currently failed and need to be replaced right away. Another 45 pipe segments still have a little life left but should be replaced in the next two or three years,” the assessment states.

The priority for 2023 will be to replace the already failed pipes, the majority of which are in Tahoe Keys, although there are also failed pipes in Bijou and the Tourist Core. The failed Tahoe Keys pipes only account for 18% of pipes in the Tahoe Keys.

There aren’t recommendations for 2024 but the focus area for 2025 replacement is Highland Woods. Then, in 2026, the plan returns to the Tahoe Keys.

Under unfinished business, the council will make appointments to the Building & Housing Board of Appeals and hear a Small Business Sustainability Loan Program Update.

The city has 53 outstanding loans totaling $382,500. A $5,000 loan given to Burger Lounge was sent to collections due to violation of COVID-19 requirements which makes the loan ​​not eligible for loan forgiveness.

Loan repayment will begin June 1, 2022.

Finally, the council will be hearing the South Lake Tahoe Fire Rescue – Annual Report 2021 which highlights their response to COVID as well as the Tamarack and Caldor fires, in addition to regular business.

The meeting will begin at 9 a.m. and can be viewed in person at 1901 Lisa Maloff Way or remotely on Channel 21, the City website at, the City Facebook page at and via ZOOM at

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