El Dorado Supes support giving veteran business owners a break

The El Dorado County Board of Supervisors made a small but important gesture to the veteran community Tuesday, conceptually approving an ordinance amendment that would waive business licensing fees for veterans when they are a business’ sole proprietor.
“This is another way to say thank you to our veterans by giving them that fee waiver,” District 1 Supervisor John Hidahl said. “We need to encourage those businesses.”
El Dorado County’s current Business License Ordinance reads: “The following persons are required to obtain the licenses and permits required by this title but are exempt from the payment of any fees therefor:
“A. Every veteran of the armed forces of the United States who presents a discharge or release from the service under honorable conditions for the following businesses only: hawking, peddling or vending any goods, wares or merchandise owned by him or her excepting alcoholic beverages, whether as an itinerant business or at a fixed place of business.”
The amendment adds: “or (ii) selling or providing services if the veteran is the sole proprietor of the business.”
“We have somewhat of a limited scope in the current ordinance,” explained Assistant Treasurer-Tax Collector Carmella Roberts. “We hope that you can approve that so we can offer that benefit to more veterans and recognize their service and dedication.”
District 2 Supervisor George Turnboo said it’s important for the county to support the veterans community and applauded staff’s recommendation. He made the motion to conceptually approve the amendment with District 4 Supervisor Lori Parlin adding a second. The motion unanimously passed.
The ordinance amendment will return to the board Nov. 14 for its first reading.

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