Free fishing day Saturday in California

Fishing at Lake Tahoe.
Provided/Mike Peron

TRUCKEE, Calif. — The California Department of Fish and Wildlife is encouraging all Californians to get outdoors and give fishing a try for free on the second, and last, free fishing day of the year this weekend.

Anglers on on Saturday, Sept. 3, are welcome to cast a line in their choice of water body, but rules and regulations apply for all waters.

All fishing regulations, such as bag and size limits, gear restrictions, report card requirements and fishing hours and stream closures, remain in effect. Every angler must have an appropriate report card if they are fishing for steelhead or sturgeon anywhere in the state, or for salmon in the Smith and Klamath-Trinity river systems.

Those interested in fishing in California’s lakes, streams and rivers can find information about inland fishing locations and species on the CDFW website. 

Information about ocean fishing, including spots along California beaches, is also available on the website. 

A list of free fishing piers and a zoomable map of pier locations is also available to help plan a pier fishing adventure. It is free to fish piers, jetties or breakwaters along the coast year-round in California, but free fishing days are a great time to be introduced to fishing for perch, greenling, rockfish and bass.

Other helpful resources for anglers include the fish planting schedule and fishing guide.

Children 16 and younger can fish for free every day of the year in California, but free fishing day offers a time when families and friends can experience the hobby together because those 17 and older can fish without having to buy a sport fishing license. If you get “hooked” on fishing, be sure to purchase an annual resident sport fishing license. The revenue generated from license sales helps conserve fish populations and habitats while supporting California’s long standing angling opportunities for today and future generations.

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