Home delivered meal volunteers sought in South Lake Tahoe

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. — The El Dorado County Senior Nutrition Program is seeking dedicated, caring volunteers for the home delivered meals program. Each volunteer generally works one day each week on an assigned route, delivering meals between 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.  

Potential new volunteer drivers are invited to attend a one-hour orientation session to learn more. The next orientation is scheduled for 1-2 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 21 at the Placerville Senior Center, 937 Spring Street. For those who cannot attend this date, an alternate date has been scheduled from 1-2 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 28, at the Placerville Senior Center.  

For potential volunteers in the South Lake Tahoe area, call Senior Nutrition staff in the area at 530-573-3130 to learn more.

The El Dorado County Senior Nutrition Program is one of many national programs funded under the Older American Act of 1965 serving older adults through home delivered meal service and community dining centers.  

For more information about the Senior Nutrition Program, call 530-621-6160.

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