Last day to request chipping, defensible space inspections in Incline Village, Crystal Bay is Oct. 29

October 29 is the last day to request chipping and defensible space inspections.

INCLINE VILLAGE, Nev. – The last day to request chipping and defensible space inspections for the 2023 season is October 29, 2023. To make your on-line request visit

To service all remaining requests for defensible space inspections and chipping in a timely manner and prior to potential inclement weather approaching, the last day to request chipping and defensible space inspections is Sunday, October 29, 2023.

However, the Fire District will continue defensible space inspections for construction projects as weather permits. The October 29 closing deadline will allow the Fire District time to complete the last requests for the 2023 season.

For chipping requests, please remember that the pile needs to be curbside and must not exceed 20 feet in length, 6 feet in height, and 6 feet in width. Branch diameter cannot exceed 6 inches, and no stumps, roots, garbage, nails or finished lumber.

To date, the Fire District has completed 651 defensible space inspections and 194 chipping requests resulting in 864 cubic yards of biomass for the 2023 season.

In a press release, the Fire District said they would like to thank everyone that has expressed an interest in learning about what they can do to make their homes more defendable from wildland fire and spending the necessary time to do the work around their homes.

For more information visit

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