Nevada Gov. Sisolak to discuss Phase 2 reopening on Tuesday

Geoff Dornan / Nevada Appeal

Gov. Steve Sisolak has scheduled a Tuesday press conference to discuss what Phase 2 of the economic reopening will look like and set a target date to reopen gaming in Nevada.

He said his people have been monitoring trends in the Phase 1 reopening he authorized two weeks ago.

“If Nevada’s COVID-19 data continues to reflect positive or consistent trends through the Memorial Day weekend, the governor will announce a Phase 2 reopening date at the Tuesday press conference along with business reopening and statewide continuing operation guidelines,” according to a statement issued by his staff.

Also on Tuesday, the Nevada Gaming Control Board will hold a workshop where state and local health and safety officers will provide an update on virus response measures at resort hotels. Then the board will consider what actions to take in regard to reopening plans for gaming properties. Pending evaluation of trends in COVID-19 data, Sisolak said he has set a target date of June 4 to reopen the gaming industry.

Gaming officials said they expect full compliance with policies to diminish personal contact and increase disinfection efforts throughout those resorts.

He repeated the importance of wearing face coverings in public, avoiding gatherings of more than 10 people, washing and disinfecting hands regularly and practicing social distancing to make it possible to reopen sooner rather than later.

The time of the press conference was not announced but the administration has been making them available to the public online.

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