Tahoe Conservancy commits $1.4 million to forest health projects
SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. — During a virtual meeting on Thursday, the California Tahoe Conservancy Board discussed building community and climate resilience with state and federal partners, and authorized $1,358,500 for three projects to reduce wildfire risk and improve forest health in the Lake Tahoe Basin.
California Natural Resources Secretary Wade Crowfoot anchored a panel of state and federal executives for a discussion with the Conservancy board.
The panel addressed how to further integrate sustainable communities, racial equity, tribal co-management, and other state priorities into regional efforts in the basin.
“Today’s panel discussion showcased how the Conservancy, the Strategic Growth Council, and the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research are helping lead California’s efforts to build community and climate resilience at Lake Tahoe, and revitalizing our critical relationships with the USDA Forest Service and other federal partners,” said Secretary Crowfoot in the press release.
In a related step to advance forest resilience, the board committed $1,358,500 in funds from a federal grant for three projects to improve forest health and reduce wildfire risk in the high-priority wildland-urban interface.
Through these three projects, the Conservancy and its partners will reduce hazardous wildfire fuels on 418 acres of Conservancy, local government, and private lands within communities on the west and north shores.
The Conservancy has also released a new story map showing how climate change is affecting Lake Tahoe and Basin partners are adapting which is available online at tahoe.ca.gov/climate-story-map.
At the same meeting, the board awarded a $500,000 grant to the Tahoe Resource Conservation District to remove aquatic invasive plants from an area of Lake Tahoe along the South Shore, north of the Tahoe Keys Marina.
Removing aquatic invasive plants improves water quality and protects Lake Tahoe’s biodiversity by restoring nearshore fish habitat.
The Conservancy also welcomed two new members to its board.
The California State Senate Rules Committee has appointed President and CEO of the California Foundation on the Environment and the Economy Jay Hansen, who resides in Sacramento, as its representative to the board, succeeding long-serving member Lynn Suter.
Forest Supervisor for the USDA Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit Bill Jackson joined the board as an ex-officio member, succeeding then-Acting Forest Supervisor Danielle Harrison.

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