TRPA discusses Washoe County Plan amendment, active transportation, affordable housing, and technical changes

STATELINE, Nev. – The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency met on Wednesday, Apr. 24 to discuss an amendment to the Washoe County Tahoe Area Plan. 

The amendment seeks to include “Schools – Kindergarten through Secondary” as a special use within the Wood Creek Regulatory Zone for parcels of three acres or more. This proposal, presented by Washoe County, has undergone TRPA’s staff review, aligning with the TRPA regional plan. It does not signify approval but rather a request for a special use permit.

Courtney Weiche, a senior planner from Washoe County, contributed to the discussion, highlighting that over 200 public comments were received over the past year, showing both support and opposition.

Public concerns mainly revolve around traffic, noise, parking, environmental impacts, fire safety, and potential effects on public schools. No agency opposition was recorded.

During public comments, one resident expressed strong concern about the impact on neighborhood tranquility, supported by a petition signed by over 50 local residents. Another worry was the proximity of two high schools and potential traffic congestion on Mount Rose Highway, a crucial evacuation route. Conversely, some community members viewed the amendment positively, emphasizing religious and educational diversity. They argued that the demand for such schools justifies the zoning change, citing the longstanding presence of Saint Francis Catholic Church in the area.

TRPA clarified that the discussion was solely about zoning and not about restricting choices regarding religious practices or school selection. The unanimous approval of the finding of no significant effect of the Washoe County amendment and the subsequent unanimous approval of the Washoe County Area Plan highlighted the resolution of the zoning issue without impacting broader community freedoms or religious considerations. 

The Active Transportation Plan was brought up. During the discussion, led by Ryan Murray, the emphasis was placed on enhancing the safety and reducing stress on the street network to promote walking and biking as preferred modes of transportation.

A particular concern raised during the session was regarding the allocation of funding. One community member expressed disappointment, noting a substantial portion of funds being directed toward trails instead of addressing urgent matters such as water quality and invasive species. This individual highlighted tourism as a significant factor contributing to existing problems.

Affordable Housing Resolution

A resolution acknowledging the environmental and community benefits of supporting affordable housing for all was discussed. The focus of this resolution, as presented by Karen Fink, centers on the significant advantages associated with backing affordable housing initiatives within our community. Among these efforts is the largest affordable housing project situated along the bike trail, strategically positioned near a transit area hub for enhanced mobility. Additionally, progress has been made in advancing accessory dwelling units, with 34 permits already issued.

It’s well understood that housing affordability plays a crucial role in addressing homelessness. Recent developments from the state of California designate the city of South Lake Tahoe as a pro-housing community, becoming the second jurisdiction in the basin, following Placer County. This designation opens up additional avenues for housing subsidies. Furthermore, through Placer County’s Workforce Preservation Program, seven households have secured long-term housing by participating in grant disbursements in exchange for workforce deed-restrictions on properties.

Several new regional and local legislations have been introduced to incentivize housing initiatives. These include the City of South Lake Tahoe’s inclusionary zoning, zoning and parking incentives aimed at affordable housing, new incentives for accessory dwelling units (ADUs), and streamlined permitting processes for deed-restricted housing. These efforts are bolstered by the 2024 update of the Placer County Tahoe Basin Area Plan.

Acknowledgments from the Washoe County Board of Commissioners regarding the 2023 Washoe Tahoe Housing Partnership’s Housing Roadmap further underscore the collaborative approach to addressing housing needs in the Tahoe region.

During public comments, concerns and support for workforce housing were expressed. One community member emphasized the importance of an honest assessment of progress without glossing over challenges. TRPA clarified that the resolution serves as a call-to-action rather than self-congratulation. Ultimately, the motion to recognize the environmental and community benefits of supporting affordable housing for all was unanimously adopted.

Phase 2 Housing Ordinance

During discussions about technical changes to Phase 2 Housing Ordinance Amendments, including requirements for stormwater systems and bonus units for affordable housing, led by Alyssa Bettinger, the agenda item was postponed without further action, allowing for public comments.

During the public comment period, concerns were raised about the inability to apply this ordinance in Placer County due to the absence of a stormwater collection and treatment system. Additionally, a community member emphasized the need for TRPA to provide a clear definition of affordable housing to ensure transparency regarding who qualifies for specific benefits.

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