Washoe school district to host another meeting regarding Incline schools; Input sought in advance

Miranda Jacobson/Tahoe Daily Tribune
INCLINE VILLAGE, Nev. — Washoe County School District has notified community members that they will be holding another meeting to gather input about changes to Incline Village schools, including the potential closure of Incline Middle School.
The meeting will be held from 6-7 p.m. Wednesday, May 3, at Incline High School in Duffield Theatre.
WCSD Board of Trustees President will be in attendance, although Trustee Jeffrey Church, who represents Incline Village, will not be due to prior plans to be out of town. Church said he notified the board of this but the meeting was not moved.
Church echoed a number of concerns that were voiced by the community at the previous meeting held by CannonDesigns with WSCD.
Questions raised included what kind of research and preparation was done prior to the first meeting on April 5, who owns Incline Middle School, and how the high school would be able to accommodate the influx of students, among other issues.
Prior to the meeting, WCSD is looking for community input through a tool called ThoughtExchange.
The input provided will be confidential, and results will be shared anonymously at the meeting.
The exchange will be open until 5 p.m. Thursday, April 27.
To participate, visit tejoin.com/scroll/891025855.

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